
Displaying 51 - 100 of 159
Date Subject
13.12.2021 Convention on Wetlands Newsletter
06.12.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/15
01.12.2021 World Wetlands Day 2022 materials now online
24.11.2021 Invitation to a webinar on Financing Mechanisms for Freshwater Ecosystems
23.11.2021 Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands
17.11.2021 Diplomatic note 2021/14 Report and decisions of the resumed 59th meeting of the Standing Committee
09.11.2021 Reminder: Diplomatic Note 2021/13 Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
01.11.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/12, resumed session Third Extraordinary meeting of the COP to the Convention on Wetlands
26.10.2021 Reminder submission of credentials for the ExCOP3 to the Convention on Wetlands
15.10.2021 Resumed closed session of the Standing Committee
13.10.2021 Extension of registration to 18 October: Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
12.10.2021 Advice from the Legal Advisor on submission of new draft resolutions
12.10.2021 Angola becomes the 172nd Party to the Convention
06.10.2021 Reminder: Diplomatic Note 2021/7 Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
02.09.2021 50th Anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands - campaign update
01.09.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/10, Adoption of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on World Wetlands Day
31.08.2021 Reminder: SC59 Closed Session September 2021
26.08.2021 Call for nomination of experts and fellows for IPBES thematic assessments
24.08.2021 Update to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA
19.08.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/7 Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
11.08.2021 Update to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA
09.08.2021 SC59 Closed Session September 2021
16.07.2021 Briefing note to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA
16.07.2021 Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands
09.07.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/6 Extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands
09.07.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/5, Report and decisions of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee at its meeting of 22-25 June 2021
02.07.2021 Invitation High-Level Virtual Event “Wetlands: Key Enablers for a Resilient and Sustainable Recovery”
08.06.2021 Intersessional decisions by the SC and update on discussions regarding SC59 and COP14 dates
20.05.2021 Decisions taken intersessionally during May 2021 by the Standing Committee
17.05.2021 Reminder: Diplomatic Note 2021/2, Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards - Call for nominations
27.04.2021 Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands
01.04.2021 Virtual Meeting of the Scientific & Technical Review Panel (STRP)
16.03.2021 Training Webinar: Preparation of draft resolutions for COP14
15.03.2021 59th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands
12.03.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/3
09.03.2021 50th Anniversary campaign briefing
02.03.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/2, Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards: Call for nominations
01.03.2021 Decisions taken intersessionally during February 2021 by the Standing Committee
26.02.2021 Guidance on mainstreaming gender under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
19.02.2021 Training Webinar: Mainstreaming gender under the Convention on Wetlands
09.02.2021 Processes of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
01.02.2021 Reminder: Invitation to the Online Panel Discussion on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day 2021
25.01.2021 World Wetlands Day, 2 February
25.01.2021 Diplomatic Note 2021/1: Annual contributions 2021
21.01.2021 Invitation to the Online Panel Discussion on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day 2021:
04.12.2020 The Convention on Wetlands: Survey on guidance on mainstreaming gender
04.12.2020 50th Anniversary communications campaign
30.11.2020 Extension of deadline online survey, 5th Joint Work Plan CBD-Convention on Wetlands
30.11.2020 World Wetlands Day 2021 materials now online
27.11.2020 Save the Date: Wetlands as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)